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Virginia, United States

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August 12, 2006

Let's talk terrorism

First and foremost about the recent actions of our right of freedom!!
I know and believe that everyone should have their own belief, but who gives any one the right to chose to end a life.. If a certain few believe that the One God above is the creator of all things (I am a firm believer that God is the only one to judge and take us in his time *not in the the time that self serving individuals think _this is not theirs or anyone else's right>>>>>> Just God's

Not everyone believes that 70 virgins await-if they are that desperate for them..Take 70 stuffed animals, I am sure they are virgin(sorry all you stuffed animal lovers-me included, but I am sure we could come up with a few) Isn't that going against the belief in marriage-lusting for others. Yep I think that is in there...

I believe that the idea of martyrdom is not taking yours and someone else's life. That is called (serving your own purposes to justify murder and the easy way out for the people taking the life.)
I hope this sends a message to those who think that blowing up innocent people can be justified ... How would you know if you weren't blowing up someone who could make a difference for you and the world,, Oh that's right , you would be gone and you would take the life that God has a purpose for.. Wonder what would wait in heaven for you then???

Post your comment but keep it pg-on the language
tis is my opinion on the subject and I cannot be held responsible if stuffed animals come up missing.

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